Inside J-Philippe’s Studio.

“All I really need is a place to work”.

The long 'lumbung'
The long ’lumbung’

“I’ve just worked very, very hard for 10 years in this studio. It’s just a lot of hard work. It’s a big secret. The archi­tec­tural con­cept of the studio is very simple: a long Balinese rice ‘lum­bung’ with the tra­di­tional ‘alang-alang’ roof. I built it in 15 days with my stu­dents!”

A place to work
A place to work

(by Origenius)

“Espe­cially now, it’s really impor­tant that I inflict my ‘too much hard working’ lifestyle on my family as little as pos­sible. So, a sep­a­rate studio is really essen­tial.”

The light on the table
The light on the table
The light from the top
The light from the top

“What I need first is a light, a very spe­cial light, without any shadows. Because I usu­ally work on a hor­i­zon­tally table, I need a light from the roof, all the win­dows are lower than the hight of the table. So no shadows on my work…”

A special table
A special table

“I need a table too. This is essen­tial for my wash tech­nique. The table is very spe­cial, a three-dimen­sional inclin­able thick glass plan for work. I did it by myself too, I’m cab­inet maker also.”

"I use the high-tech tech­nology also to work with all my pic­tures and I’m con­nected to the world by internet."

We will be happy to pre­sent the art of J-Philippe in his studio. To be sure that it is pos­sible, we have to make an appoint­ment first and arrange a good time with you and J-Philippe, spe­cially if you plan to travel and visit Bali. Please use the button below to send us an e-mail:

Author : J-Philippe・ Monday 21 January 2008・ pas de comments